
Joh joined our staff list

175cm / 65kg / 19yo / P18cm(Thick) / Vers

About customer and staff privacy:

We never respond to inquiries about staff’s personal information via text or phone.
Well, it might be okay to ask when you meet our staff in person.

Also, please be assured that we will never disclose information about our customers, including you, to external parties.

We are considerate of the fact that you may not be open about being gay or that you may be in a sensitive position.

Rest assured that we will not disclose to others that you are using our services or that you are gay.
Most of our staff are also not open about being gay.

In fact, in Japan, being gay is like an open secret, or rather, treated as if it doesn’t exist!!

Therefore, we are very sensitive to the act of outing.

Your privacy is 100% protected.

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